Design Update: Compliance App 2.0


The team at JupiterOne was well underway building version 2.0 of our Compliance App when I joined the company this summer. The primary motivation for the work on 2.0 was to refine its performance and scalability as the company continued to grow. Revisiting the Compliance App allowed the team the opportunity to look more closely at its usability and aesthetics. Upon review, three main design objectives stood out:

  1. Improve the clarity of navigation and wayfinding
  2. Create more consistency in the interaction patterns provided to enable action
  3. Standardize common UI patterns and refine the foundations of our visual aesthetic

Let's walk through a few examples of how these objectives surfaced in the updated designs, which will be released soon.

App Navigation & Wayfinding

To improve wayfinding, the app navigation panel has been simplified. Instead of doing double duty managing the user's collection of Frameworks, it now serves solely as the main navigation for the Compliance environment . The Framework management functionality has been promoted to its own dedicated page and nav group alongside other top level items such as Controls and Risks.

Both the app navigation panel and the page header are visually distinguished using color to separate the content into more scannable sections.

UX Update - 01

Original Interface

UX Update - 02

Updated Design

Action Consistency & Interactions

To help create a consistent anchor for taking action from anywhere within the app, we consolidated the main available actions of any page into a single, minimal bar attached to the page header. To limit collision with our action status colors (where green means  'good' in most instances), the primary color theme is updated to use J1 indigo rather than green. Because of this change, when something requires the user's attention it will be more apparent.

UX Update - 03

Original Interface

UX Update - 04

Updated Design

Standardizing Common UI Patterns & Refining Visuals

One example of standardization focuses on modal dialogs. While there are different uses of a modal dialog, in the Compliance app we want to align on patterns that will help maintain the user's sense of place while navigating up and down the layers of their Frameworks. Rather than continuing to display the Framework Requirement as a full-screen modal, we transitioned it to display in the main view area of the app, allowing the standard navigation and breadcrumbs to continue to set the context for the active Requirement.

The main body area of each page is updated to a flat white background, increasing the contrast of text in the UI and improving the app's overall legibility and accessibility.

Original Interface

UX Update - 06 (1)

Updated Design

Next Steps

Compliance App 2.0 will launch soon. (Sign up for the J1 newsletter below to receive updates.) The intent of these updates is to bring more clarity and consistency into JupiterOne's Compliance App. The product design team is excited to continue building on this foundation to deliver more seamless workflows for our users going forward.

Patrick Morgan
Patrick Morgan

Patrick is a technologist focused on using design to solve real-world problems. He is a creative guy who rarely goes a day without making something. In his career he has worked on projects from the highest level brand strategy down to lowest level technical implementation. His focus is to deliver seamless, customer focused experiences that elegantly solve real problems.

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