What's new in JupiterOne: powerful, intuitive queries (Part 1)


Navigating and securing your cyber asset universe should always be a frictionless experience. We’ve revamped the JupiterOne Homepage and Questions Library so you can spend less time asking questions and more time getting to the bottom of any issue — ultimately reducing risk and increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of your security program. 

In part one of this two-part series, we’re diving into some exciting changes to the homepage and Questions Library. 

Guided, mistake-free queries

Searching for answers to complex questions has never been easier. Along with a fresh, new look, we’ve added a few features to streamline searches and get more value out of the answers. 

Know where to start

When working with such a vast repository of information regarding your cyber asset environment, knowing where to start can be just as overwhelming as solving the problem. 

The Search Bar suggestions drop down gives you guidance on what questions to ask. Choose from a list of previously run queries to eliminate duplicate work or scroll through suggested queries based on your use case to direct your search. 

Error handling made easy 

There’s no autocorrect for query languages… until now! Syntax mistakes or incomplete query entries are now called out so users know where a fix is needed. Simply hover over the highlighted mistake to see the gap and how to fix it. 

Fresh results, always

We’ve completely revamped our Query Results Page to make it easily consumable while retaining level of detail and usability.

Don’t dread the back button 

Queries are now added into the URL for easy sharing and navigation. This addition enables you to use the browser’s forward and back buttons without experiencing hiccups, and easily share query results with other teammates by simply copying and sharing the URL. Plus, refresh your Query Results Page for updated, real-time results without having to re-enter the query. 

Sectioned out, bite-sized information

Instead of only seeing one query result at a time, our new updates take you to a sectioned, collapsable Questions Results Page that enables you to view multiple query results at once under separate labels for easy digestion. 

Birds-eye view of all questions

Our Questions Drawer is now a Questions Page. This page lists all custom and pre-defined questions with the ability to filter by categories such as access, endpoints, general, threat analysis, vulnerability management, and more. If you need more detail, we’ve added a Questions Details Drawer for more information. 

One-click trend tracking

Get a query result worth tracking? Add a Trend Chart to any JupiterOne Insights Dashboard directly from the Questions Result Page. The Questions Page also identifies which questions have a Trend Chart attached to them, and allows you to add a chart if it does not.

We hope these updates improve your JupiterOne experience! Stay tuned for part two, where we’ll jump into the new Query Builder. 

Tanvi Tapadia
Tanvi Tapadia

Born and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina, Tanvi is a marketer who strives to create the perfect balance between data-driven decisions and creative marketing. She is an NC State graduate who loves to explore, eat, and play with her dog Butter.

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