What is NIST?

NIST stands for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which is a physical science laboratory and a non-regulatory agency of the United States Department of Commerce. NIST's mission is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.

NIST is known for its work in developing and promoting standards in various areas such as cybersecurity, information technology, and physical measurements. They are responsible for maintaining and updating important standards and guidelines such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, the NIST Privacy Framework, and the NIST Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture.

NIST also provides research and development services to help advance technologies in areas such as artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, and biotechnology. Additionally, NIST operates a variety of research facilities and collaborates with other organizations to support scientific and technological advancements.

Why do organizations follow the NIST cybersecurity framework?

The NIST cybersecurity framework is a voluntary standard that is made publicly available at no cost; anyone can access it. The framework has been available for many years and has been continually updated and refined, making it an ideal starting point and reference for organizations to follow.