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Finally get full visibility into all your cyber assets.

  • Apps
  • Devices
  • Data
  • Users
  • Networks
  • Policies
  • Risks
  • Custom classes
  • Inventory

    Inventory.  Discover and track assets across your tech stack. Devices, apps, users, code repos, policies, and more.

  • Security

    Security.  Uncover and triage asset risks. Identify critical assets and their blast radius for critical. Targeting alerts.

  • Analysis

    Analysis.  Get quick answers to security questions about your assets. Instant reporting. Automatically collect audit evidence.

Join leading companies streamlining cyber asset management



Asset visibility

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Get complete visibility of all asset data across your tech stack. Cloud infrastructure, apps, code repos, users, devices, policies, and even on-prem assets.

Plus, see data from vulnerability scanners, security controls (like cryptographic keys), and other valuable context into the security state of assets.

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Relationship mapping

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View a map of the relationships between assets, owners, and security controls.

See the blast radius of all the assets affected by security incidents. Identify downstream vulnerabilities.

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Query assets

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Get quick answers to questions about your assets. Current vulnerabilities, access privileges, recent changes, unused hosts, devices in your environment, and more.

Select queries from a pre-built library or create your own. Identify security gaps.

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Maintain PCI-DSS, CIS, ISO 27001, NIST, HIPAA, SOC 2, and custom standards compliance. Automate evidence collection for audits.

Continuously monitor for gaps. Quickly see non-compliant devices and hosts. See which users still need to complete security training. Update teams about issues.

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Dashboards & alert

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Pre-built dashboards to let you view asset data, access levels, and risks at a glance. Customize with widgets based on your most frequently used queries.

Know where to start investigations and reduce incident response times.

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Dashboard ImagePowerful searchGranular data segmentationContinuous complianceGraph-based context

One platform for total visibility into your entire attack surface

Cyber assets monitored

Discover more assets than any other platform. Including devices, code repos, users, and policies.

Reduced attack surface

Identify and eliminate outdated, ungoverned, and misconfigured assets.

Optimized operations

Reduce toil and manual tasks like identification of cyber assets or repeat investigations.

Over 200 integrations

Get visibility into your entire enterprise infrastructure

AWS LogoGoogle Workspace LogoAzure LogoSalesForce LogoCisco logoMicrosoft LogoOkta LogoGitHub LogoJira LogoGCloud LogoQualys LogoSynk LogoSlack LogoJamf LogoKnowBe4 LogoLastPass LogoSplunk LogoBitbucket Logo

End-to-end attack surface management

Collect and normalize asset data

Complete asset visibility

Discover and monitor all your assets from a single platform. Includes devices, users, apps, code repos, and security controls. Map asset relationships.

Map out assets and relationships

Reduce risk

Continuously monitor all assets for vulnerabilities. Instantly identify blast radius and affected assets following a breach. Reduce incidents, response times, and severity.

Total Visibility

Continuous compliance

Detect assets that drift out of compliance - down to the user and endpoint. Automate evidence collection so you breeze through every audit.

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See what our clients have to say

This is the most visionary tool on the market. It easily integrates with our tools. I don’t need 5 people to run it (unlike other software).

Information Security and Audit Manager

Great visibility into the cloud! Being able to query AWS resources lets us understand our environment, configurations, and compliance.

Compliance Analyst

Fantastic automated solution for compliance and cyber security posture. JupiterOne cuts down the work for evidence submission for audits by 80%.

Security and Audit Manager

A really comprehensive solution for SIEM, governance, risk, and compliance. We were quickly able to demonstrate PCI compliance and scale security practices.

Security Manager

I used the software for 6-12 months. Overall: It's been great. Their customer-forward approach has been incredibly helpful.

Senior Software Engineer

JupiterOne is the best  source for analyzing asset movements. We can easily analyze security information about our assets, see their relationships, and view intuitive graphs for asset management.

IT Engineer

JupiterOne is the best to manage compliance and governance. It’s helped us to reduce the risks of managing digital assets. Great user interface to use. "

Deputy Manager

This is an outstanding platform for risk assessments against numerous regulatory frameworks.

Ethics and Compliance Officer

Excellent cyber asset management platform which has provided us with a significant increase on our visibility of our assets and their security posture.

Security Operations Director

Our experience has been great. This is a very powerful platform. We can query our entire asset base to find specific information with ease.

Security Engineer

I like the ability to inventory assets and configurations. Instead of multiple accounts to monitor configurations, you just need one. Perfect for DevOps.


I like the ability to inventory assets and configurations. Instead of multiple accounts to monitor configurations, you just need one. Perfect for DevOps.


Our experience has been great. This is a very powerful platform. We can query our entire asset base to find specific information with ease.

Security Engineer

Excellent cyber asset management platform which has provided us with a significant increase on our visibility of our assets and their security posture.

Security Operations Director

This is an outstanding platform for risk assessments against numerous regulatory frameworks.

Ethics and Compliance Officer

JupiterOne is the best to manage compliance and governance. It’s helped us to reduce the risks of managing digital assets. Great user interface to use. "

Deputy Manager

I used the software for 6-12 months. Overall: It's been great. Their customer-forward approach has been incredibly helpful.

Senior Software Engineer

A really comprehensive solution for SIEM, governance, risk, and compliance. We were quickly able to demonstrate PCI compliance and scale security practices.

Security Manager

Fantastic automated solution for compliance and cyber security posture. JupiterOne cuts down the work for evidence submission for audits by 80%.

Security and Audit Manager

Great visibility into the cloud! Being able to query AWS resources lets us understand our environment, configurations, and compliance.

Compliance Analyst

This is the most visionary tool on the market. It easily integrates with our tools. I don’t need 5 people to run it (unlike other software).

Information Security and Audit Manager

JupiterOne is the best  source for analyzing asset movements. We can easily analyze security information about our assets, see their relationships, and view intuitive graphs for asset management.

IT Engineer

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an asset?

Cyber assets include any on-premise and cloud resource that is vulnerable to cyber threats. For most organizations, this is their entire security and IT infrastructure. For example: apps, data, code repos, devices, networks, policies, security controls, users, configurations, and more.

A complete view of your assets in one platform helps you secure your entire cloud and hybrid environment.

What are common use cases for JupiterOne?

JupiterOne is designed to address a variety of cybersecurity needs. Common use cases include:

  • Compliance Management: Streamlining the process of achieving and maintaining compliance with standards such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and GDPR by mapping your digital environment to compliance requirements.
  • Vulnerability Management: Integrating with your existing security tools to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities, allows for efficient risk management.
  • Threat Investigation: Quickly query your digital environment to understand the scope of a threat, leading to rapid response and mitigation.
  • Cloud Security: Providing visibility into your cloud environments, ensuring configurations align with security best practices.
  • Identity and Access Management: Monitoring user access and permissions across your systems to prevent unauthorized access.

What tools does JupiterOne integrate with?

JupiterOne offers extensive integration capabilities with a wide range of tools to enhance your cybersecurity infrastructure. These integrations include, but are not limited to, cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud; DevOps tools such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket; security platforms like CrowdStrike, SentinelOne, and Palo Alto Networks; and identity providers such as Okta and Duo Security. This allows JupiterOne to seamlessly aggregate data from various sources, providing a comprehensive view of your cyber assets and security posture.

How do I use queries to monitor my environment?

JupiterOne empowers users to monitor their cyber environment using its unique query language, J1QL (JupiterOne Query Language), or through intuitive natural language queries. J1QL is a specialized language developed specifically for cybersecurity needs, enabling you to perform deep and precise investigations into your digital assets. With J1QL, you can craft complex queries to extract specific information, such as identifying unprotected resources, locating users with excessive permissions, or pinpointing outdated software.

Moreover, a standout feature of JupiterOne is its ability to interpret natural language queries. This means you can simply type a question in plain English, like "Which devices are missing security patches?" or "List all admin accounts," and JupiterOne will translate this into a J1QL query behind the scenes. This dual-query capability, combining the power of J1QL with the simplicity of natural language, sets JupiterOne apart and makes it accessible to users of varying technical expertise. This approach not only streamlines the monitoring process but also democratizes access to advanced cybersecurity analysis, making it a unique differentiator in the cybersecurity landscape.

One platform for total visibility into your entire attack surface

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